Manila Jan 2009
And so onto Manila. The capital of the Philippines - it is like any other big city in the developing world a city of contrasts. Slums sit not far away from shiny shopping malls. Gucci next to garbage. It suffered a lot during WW2, and seems to have suffered occupation at every turn - The Spanish heritage is evdident in the names of roads and people. And the TV stations sounded like Channel 9 from the Fast Show -

A poorer area of town. But cheap rum and music are available.

Attach your own prefix....

Manila Cathedral

Jeepney. Local minubus transport. Cheap as chips and they look like Steve Perry might have made them.

We got this one to who knows where.

Building in the Intramuros area - old Manila

The entrance to Intramuros

New Years Day in Rizal Park

His last words